
The whole idea of this blog is to offer natural solutions to every day uses. Having a family and knowing what it means to save a little money every where we can, we hope to be able to offer cost saving tips as well. We use essential oils, herbs, and other natural solutions to cure our ailments. Having a little ones around the house has made us think more about what we are using to clean with. We have been more into all natural everything from cleaning supplies, facial cleansers, food, and the list continues the more we research different medical issues that our family and friends have and how it can or could be avoided and hopefully cured. We hope that the things that we write about help someone else as the medical issues in our day and time just keep getting worse.


Am I A Liberal Hippie?!!

This is kind of hard for me to write. Not that I don’t want to write it, but, I’m going to be calling some people out and I never like to hurt someones feelings. Sometimes, someone just has to point out you are going down the wrong path before you can even see the path that you are on.
All that being said, let me tell you why this has weighed on me so much lately and also for the past 5 years. When I started my “alternative” lifestyle 5 years ago it was partly because it was cheaper to do so and partly I wanted my family to be as healthy as possible. I will never forget multiple people telling me if it was a money issue they would buy me disposable diapers so I didn’t have to use cloth. Or that worrying about the disposable diapers taking 500 years to decompose made me a liberal hippie. Now, always being a somewhat conservative Christian republican, this somewhat upset me. And, since I can remember exactly who they were and could call them out by name, it obviously stuck with me and knowing that these people were also conservative Christian republicans confused me.
As a Christian you are to take care of God’s planet he left for us. It is stated in the Bible! Why have so many become blind to this?!
Leviticus 25:23-24 The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants. Throughout the country that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the redemption of the land. (NIV)
Numbers 35:34 Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell: for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel. (KJV)
Am I the only one seeing this?! Where are all the Christians at that are protecting the earth along with the “liberal hippies”?! I do have “hippie” ways, as my husband would call it, but it shouldn’t stand out as “hippie” it should just be normal to recycle, produce less waste, clean green, and just care about what we are doing on this earth. I know I’m not alone, so I’m not calling everyone out, but if you are right there with me just know you are not alone. What have you done to do your part today?
Update: I don't know where I fall in politically anymore but religiously this all still applies!

1 comment:

  1. "Hippie ways" lol Nice post Heidi! In my mind you're neither liberal nor hippie, just using good common sense, something that seems to be lost these days!
