
The whole idea of this blog is to offer natural solutions to every day uses. Having a family and knowing what it means to save a little money every where we can, we hope to be able to offer cost saving tips as well. We use essential oils, herbs, and other natural solutions to cure our ailments. Having a little ones around the house has made us think more about what we are using to clean with. We have been more into all natural everything from cleaning supplies, facial cleansers, food, and the list continues the more we research different medical issues that our family and friends have and how it can or could be avoided and hopefully cured. We hope that the things that we write about help someone else as the medical issues in our day and time just keep getting worse.



So I know I have been completely off of my usual schedule since the move but I have just been amazed at how much more there is in a larger city and how many more opportunities there are to save on your environmental impact and money.
I'm really excited to check out the many farmers markets in the city. Maybe not all of them but atleast two or three! Which is a great way to give back into your local economy. Along with the many road races that I plan on running. Again, maybe not all of them but atleast a couple to help out local charities and businesses. It gets me motivated to run with a deadline and the fact that I don't want to look horribly out of shape in front of people!
The recycling is everywhere! I was so excited to see how easy it is to recycle! They have drop offs all over the place. Did you know that recycling one pop can, can then provide enough electricity to power a television for three hours!? That just made me want to recycle even more!
I have also been making our place a little greener making sure we unplug as much as possible and even spending a little extra on powerstrips to put in certain areas like the t.v. to save on that electricity. TV's and anything else that use a remote are actually on standby and not turned off so its slowly using energy that doesnt need to be use by turning these off it save you some green! On average these appliances use up 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually which is enough to power a house for two months!
Just a few tidbits to chew on! New posts of crafts, food, and vitamins to come!

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