High blood pressure can effect anyone. The causes can be a wide variety of things. Such as:
- Weight-the greater your body mass the more pressure there is on you artery walls
- Activity level-lack of physical activity tends to increase heart rate
- Tobacco use
- Sodium intake
- Potassium intake
- Stress
- Alcohol consumption-Excessive intake overtime can increase your risk
- Age
- Family history
- High blood pressure can also be cause by underlying issues such as kidney disease, hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, and adrenal gland disease
Things to avoid when you have high blood pressure are meat, dairy, and intake of salt or sodium. This would include avoiding restaurants as they use an excessive amount of salt. If you need a salt flavor use sea salt or ocean salt.
You should increase your intake of water. When the body is lacking water it attempts to hold onto the supply that is available by resorting to vascular constriction throughout the body which helps reduce the loss of water through the skin. Avoid soft drinks, coffee, sports drinks and any other drink containing sugar and replace with water. You should also add fruits to your diet with plenty of berries.
Some natural remedies would be:
- Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)-in studies the people taking CoQ10 significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure
- Garlic-this supplement should only be used under the supervision of a health practitioner, especially if you are taking other prescriptions, as garlic can thin the blood.
- Hawthorne-reduces diastolic blood pressure
- Fish Oil-there is some evidence that shows DHA lowers blood pressure
- Folic Acid-Folate is a B vitamin necessary for the formation of red blood cells.