
The whole idea of this blog is to offer natural solutions to every day uses. Having a family and knowing what it means to save a little money every where we can, we hope to be able to offer cost saving tips as well. We use essential oils, herbs, and other natural solutions to cure our ailments. Having a little ones around the house has made us think more about what we are using to clean with. We have been more into all natural everything from cleaning supplies, facial cleansers, food, and the list continues the more we research different medical issues that our family and friends have and how it can or could be avoided and hopefully cured. We hope that the things that we write about help someone else as the medical issues in our day and time just keep getting worse.


H1N1Vaccine Is Coming...

Since I just did a blog about vaccines and have been asked multiple times about the swine flu I figured this would be a good topic to touch on. Most of us are only hearing what they want us to hear, which is we HAVE to have this vaccine. They are trying to get everyone to get this vaccine but mostly starting with children, young people, and pregnant women.

Lets start with the myths that everyone is talking about. First, people are saying that this is the first outbreak of the swine flu virus. When really there was an outbreak in 1976 that affected 5 soldiers and 1 death at Fort Dix, New Jersey. There was also another outbreak in 1988 that infested a community in Wisconsin. My favorite myth is that you can only get the swine flu if your in contact with pigs or pork product which in not true! It would have been helpful for me since I don't eat many pork products. You have to actually be in contact with someone that has the virus.

The ingredients in the vaccine will shock you, atleast they did me! First of all there is thimerosal in this vaccine and they are saying all pregnant women need this vaccine but all the books I have read on pregnancy tell you to stay away from mercury. So tell me why they are really pushing pregnant women to get this shot? If you have egg allergies you should not take this vaccine as the virus is grown in eggs. It also contains MF59 composed of squalene, which is oil based and when it has been injected into rats it has been found toxic. Squalene has been known to cause arthritis and lupus.

I don't know about you but I really don't want to put those things in my body. So a few ways to stay away from the virus is to wash your hands frequently and stay away from large groups of people or individuals that might be infected. Also, use probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin C, anti-viral herbs and boosting your nutritional intake with your diet.

The one thing that shocked me the most was how difficult it was to research the truth about this vaccine. It is a lot easier to find what they are already telling us on the news but that doesn't include what is in the vaccine or the side effects or the fact that they are rushing this product. It makes you think what are they trying to hide? Why so fast? And definitely why are they pushing young children and pregnant women when its obvious the vaccine could be harmful and there hasn't been enough time to research side effect?


  1. Thanks for your insight and research. It just confirms what I already thought was the case. I do have to wonder why there is such a push for the vaccine and such little information.

  2. I still have so many questions that just can't seem to be answered due to them keeping most of the information from us. But, I will be sticking with my first instinct and staying far away from this vaccine! It's really amazing how many people are against this and in a way that worries me more that they might try to make this mandatory.
