
The whole idea of this blog is to offer natural solutions to every day uses. Having a family and knowing what it means to save a little money every where we can, we hope to be able to offer cost saving tips as well. We use essential oils, herbs, and other natural solutions to cure our ailments. Having a little ones around the house has made us think more about what we are using to clean with. We have been more into all natural everything from cleaning supplies, facial cleansers, food, and the list continues the more we research different medical issues that our family and friends have and how it can or could be avoided and hopefully cured. We hope that the things that we write about help someone else as the medical issues in our day and time just keep getting worse.


Green Kids

So as my daughter is getting older I am wanting her to know and be able to help teach the newest addition, when she is old enough, how to be green in a kids life. There are many different interesting things that I have heard, seen, or read about so I decided to put it all together for you.

The easiest for young kids which you can also make into a game is sorting the recycling. When teaching your kids to brush their teeth make sure you're turning off the water as kids will watch and do what you do. That can also apply to doing the dishes by hand when you can, turning off lights and appliances when not in use, and also using reusable dishes not paper plates, silverware, cups, and even napkins.

Kids love being outside so teach them at a young age about gardening. The best part about this is that when they are older it will be so much easier on you and also give you something to do together for years to come! Another outside activity can be parking your car and getting the stroller out (depending on age) and walking around town to get all your errands done instead of driving.

If you have decided to send a pack lunch with your child to school instead of the school lunches use reusable containers. It's amazing how much you'll save the environment and your pocket on just those little sandwich baggies. There are so many great ideas for getting kids to go green and I keep finding more everyday!

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